Advice for Military Spouses Planning the Family’s PCS Relocation

If you’re planning a permanent change of station (PCS) and moving with a family, preparing for the relocation can become frustrating and stressful. You and your spouse will likely have to continue working, as you make plans, and that can limit your free time. Fortunately, there are tips offered by the government, cheap movers DFW, and by military personnel experienced in these types of moves to help guide you.
It’s Never Too Early to Start
As soon as you become aware that you’re taking a PCS, you can start updating your information at the website. While personnel sometimes wait until their orders are confirmed, this isn’t necessary. You can start changing information early and, if plans change, the information can always be edited later. This helps to ensure you can be reached anytime through the contact information you provide. Once your orders are confirmed, and you’ve properly updated the data you’ve provided, you can begin the booking process.
Familiarize Yourself with Your New Location
Another helpful website to visit is MilitaryINSTALLATIONS. This is something of a portal site that allows you to become acquainted with your new community. It allows you to request a sponsor, network with other personnel in the area and provides important relocation advice specific to your destination. Learn about such things as check-in processes, temporary housing options, and advice on shipping pets.
Connect with Your Transportation Office
Remaining in contact with your Transportation Office is important because this is essentially the customer service department for your relocation. Among other things, they can help you select options for your move date. Most personnel move in the summer months, so it may not be possible to schedule your move before July. Don’t assume your dates are confirmed, until you receive word from your Transportation Service Provider.
Make a Visual Record
As you pack, or before you get started, take photos or video recordings of your possessions. Maintaining a visual inventory in this way will help you ensure everything gets packed and, more importantly, will protect you. If something gets lost, stolen, or damaged en route, you’ll have photographic evidence to support a claim.
Invest in a Large Supply of Ziploc Bags
From hair ties to small toys to office supplies, Ziploc baggies will be ideal to assist in your packing process. Anything small can be stuffed into a bag, and this will allow you to keep similar items together. Additionally, you may want to disassemble some furniture to make the move easier. Use one bag per item and mark the bag with the name of the piece of furniture to which the contents belong. You can also tape the bag to the furniture or pack the bags together in a small box.
Maintain a Relocation File
The best method may be to buy a large manila envelope and use it to keep your documents, relating to your PCS move. This will be a good place to keep a written inventory of your belongings, receipts for movers and other services, copies of insurance, and any other documents you’ll need. This will ensure papers you’ll need will be easily accessible and won’t mistakenly get packed.
By following these tips and planning, you can alleviate much of the stress of moving. Don’t be shy about making use of resources available through your Transportation Office. They’re there to help you plan an easier PCS relocation. By the time you get on the road, your planning will pay off, and you can concentrate on getting your family to their new community.